Photo of Diamond Pacific Diamond Lapidary Saw Blades at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 4 inch x 0.014 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 4 inch x 0.014 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 4 inch x 0.020 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 4 inch x 0.020 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 5 inch x 0.020 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 5 inch x 0.020 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 6 inch x 0.014 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 6 inch x 0.014 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 6 inch x 0.020 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 6 inch x 0.020 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 6 inch x 0.032 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 6 inch x 0.040 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 7 inch x 0.050 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 8 inch x 0.025 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 8 inch x 0.032 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 8 inch x 0.060 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 9 inch x 0.060 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 10 inch x 0.032 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 10 inch x 0.040 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 10 inch x 0.050 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 12 inch x 0.065 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Photo of Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Diamond Saw Blades 14 inch x 0.070 inch at SUVA Lapidary Supply
Diamond Pacific

Diamond Pacific Professional Lapidary Saw Blades

Regular price $46.00 Unit price per
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Diamond Pacific's Professional diamond blade is a premium sintered blade for cutting gemstone and rare valuable lapidary materials such as agate, quartz, petrified wood, jasper, and jade in your lapidary saw when waste needs to be held to a minimum and speed of cut is essential. The blade produces smoother cuts, lasts longer, and cuts faster than notched rim or plated diamond blades.

Selection and Compatibility

Blades can be used with a water-soluble coolant or rust inhibitor, the manufacturer recommends using petroleum, synthetic, or mineral oil based coolants for best blade performance and life or in high volume cutting. Plain water is not suitable to use or store these blades in and they should not be used dry under any circumstances, always use oil or a rust inhibitor if using water, always spinning dry after use. Recommended oils for these saws include Diamond Pacific Roc-Oil premium lapidary saw coolant. NEVER use automotive antifreeze, ATF fluid, CNC machining fluids, or diesel-kerosene heating oil - it's not worth dissolving your lungs with inferior coolants! Never run a diamond blade dry as this will immediately damage your blade.

Blade bushings are available to adapt a chosen blade to your lapidary saw: 5/8" arbors can be bushed to 1/2", and 1" arbors can be bushed to 3/4" or 5/8".

These blades offer similar cutting performance to the MK-303 blades.

Available Diamond Blade Diameters

Professional diamond blades come in sizes ranging from 4" through 14" with a continuous diamond rim.

Instructions, Manuals, and Usage Tips

  • Coolant should be kept clean and below 100F to prolong your blade life.
  • Sludge should be removed periodically and replaced with fresh coolant so that your cuts will be clean and your blades will not be damaged. Diamond blades should be dried and treated with an anti-rust lubricant for storage purposes.

Acceptable Arbor Shaft RPM Range for DP Professional blades, Surface Feet Per Minute

4" 102mm 4300-5730
5" 127mm 3440-4580
6" 152mm 2870-3820
7" 178mm 2460-3270
8" 203mm 2150-2870
9" 229mm 1910-2550
10" 254mm 1720-2290
12" 305mm 1430-1910
14" 356mm 1230-1640
16" 406mm 1070-1430
18" 457mm 960-1270
20" 508mm 860-1150
24" 610mm 720-960
30" 762mm 570-760
36" 914mm 480-640

Doesn't sound like the right blade for your needs? Check out other lapidary saw blades to fit your saw.