Recirculating Oil System for Lapidary Slab Saws
Multi-stage filter and recirculation system kits for slab saws
Diamond Pacific has improved and enlarged the coolant recirculating systems for their saws, and have made them available in kits for use on most other large slab saws as well. The system can move large volumes of clean oil over the cutting surface of the saw blade to keep it cool and lubricated. The holding tanks are heavy duty plastic with multiple settling chambers to filter out particles from the coolant. The tank and submersible pump are easily cleaned.
Specifications for systems for TR-Series saws approximate those given below for separate kits available for other large lapidary slab saws.
The kits contain submersible pump, coolant tank, hose and fittings. Systems will fit most saws and are easily installed using common hand tools. For the 30-36" kit please include in your order notes the W x H x L size you need for the outer tank to fit your particular model saw.
- Tanks for 14" - 24" saws hold approximately 15 gallons and measures 17"W x 22"L x 12"H, comes with lid.
- Tanks for 30" - 36" saws hold approximately 30 gallons and measures 18"W x 24"L x 18"H, comes with lid.
- Pumps for 115v systems are 1/10HP.